
Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Banana Test

There is a very, very tall coconut tree and there are 4 animals,

A Squirrel , A Chimp , A Giraffe


A Lion

They decide to compete to see who is the fastest to get a banana off the tree.

Who do you guess will win?

Your answer will reflect your personality.

So think carefully . . ..
Try and answer within 30 seconds. Got your answer?

Now scroll down to see the analysis.


If your answer is:

Lion = you're dull.
Chimpanzee = you're dense.
Giraffe = you're a complete moron.
Squirrel = you're hopeless.


Obviously you're stressed and overworked.
You should take some time off and relax

now hurry up and forward it to someone....

Thursday, October 28, 2010


saya bosan...
itulah yg boleh saya conclude kan perasaan saya ketika ini...
saya tak suka keadaan saya mcm ni..huhu..rasa cm hidup xda matlamat...kosong...boring..tak terurus...emmm
saya mahu sesuatu yg xmembosankan..mcm life saya dulu..pnuh excitement..huhu
skang..plain...comman..pegi pagi balik ptg..balik umah..xde org..makan megi..layan internet..tdo...hari2 cmni..emm..
saya fikir balik gak kekadang..saya masuk u blajar hanya utk ini je?? saya mahu bagaimana?? kalau mcm ne je memanjang...tak kemana saya..hidup yg biasa..tiada apa2 yg mengkagumkan..uhuuuu
tp buat masa ni..saya kena byk bersabar je la..mungkin setiap yg berlaku tu ada sebabnya...dan mungkin saya dpt sesuatu drpd apa yg saya lalui sekarang..mungkin..

sy harap saya akan dpt sesuatu yg sesuai dgn jiwa saya...saya sgt2 berharap..


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

wahh..teramatlah lama tidak update blog ini..huhu..xde masa sgt nk mengarang ne...
skang..jam 8.59malam..huhu..baru lepas mkm mee ruski ngan roti bakar buatan sendiri dan juga air kotak vico. emm..cmne je la makan mlm..xde nasi mcm kat umah..huhu...
teringin jgk nk masa bila la nk p beli brg2 masak ne..pegi pagi balik petang..balik2 mkn je la apa yg ada..huhu..klu ada geng boleh gak nk masak2 setakat yg ni sorang2..xbest lak masak..huhu..apa2 pun skang da rindu mau mkn nasi di rumah..huaaa

working life? emmm...ntah ler...xtau nk ckp pe..malas nk taip sebenarnya..pnjg sgt crita mrita dia..apa2 pun..skang saya perlu parah gak keadaan saya kat sini..serba salah...

i'm alwez stuck between the situation. between person.. person i love...want me to be like they they think the best for me..but never know what i want..i guess..
they just want me to go by flow...go for ordinary life..which i was not..

i don't know how far i'm right..but i just think that i need to fulfill what i want in dis matter how small it is in others mind..but it is big for me..people will never know everything about me...never know what i actually want..and never know what will make me happy...

now i consider myself as 'not happy'..well happy is actually a word dat can be describe by ur own is subjective... my situation right like..totally afraid, unhappy, uncomfortable, boring, lonely, no mission,.....etc.. i hope for change..and i'm still waiting right here...right now..

.........woooo...........i need to stope typing....coz if i continue typing..i may cause some madness to the reader..hehe..bye now...until i have something to share...:)

Saturday, May 22, 2010



how's the feeling when some one u trust betray u??
especially someone that u never guest to be a betrayer...
i got the six sense on what gonna happen..but i just try to ignore since it's out of my thought..or on another word...never think that it's gonna happen
bcoz i trust too much...i appreciate the moment together...i guest long relationship will be trustworthy..but in the end..i'm totally wrong...
i not suppose to believe on someone because i have know them for such a long time... unbelievable...she do me well....
----she is liar..bitch..she is betrayer..i hate her----

Saturday, April 3, 2010

friendship= friends in the ship??

this word just come to my mind...again..
people have many reasons to make friend..but what's yours?

me...i'm not a social-type person..i like to keep silent..woo...but i can be friend with everyone (as long as they r nice to me)...but in fact.i don't like crowd..
as a friend...i always try to take care of my friends..especially their feeling..but u know what..taking too much care of others make ur feeling hurt as well....
i try to keep comforting others feeling as long as the other it's not explode the limit...coz me.. is a type of keeping-thing-on-myself...means i keep every feeling..especially uncomfortable feeling from being shout that it could not hurt others long as possible....but the most suffer of keeping this thing is me..of coz..but it's ok..coz i don't like quarrel, misunderstanding, better keep it.. try-to-ignore-thing attitude make people do fool to they think that i'm always the one that can be bully all the times...damn...
well..i do this bcoz...I'M CONSIDERING THE FRIENDSHIP...i don't want to be anyone's enemy..not bcoz i coward..not bcoz i don't have the crazy, dirty word to say, not bcoz i willing to take those thing as my pleasure, and of coz not to-be-used by anyone....

well then, i consider myself as a very patient human...coz i bet if anyone in my situation...u might drive crazy..huahahah...

sometimes the or most of the times...' i don't care' quotes is very useful actually...bcoz ignoring unnecessary thing will brighting life like sunshine...epic ending..haha...

p/s don't feel to sleep yet..already 4am..continue study (hope so..:P)

Friday, April 2, 2010

this again....

my bad feeling come's my mom...she is sick..
as usual..nobody will tell me if anything happen until I make a call..
my mom suffer on..i don't know what type of illness..but it's make her mouth swell or something..pity her... tear running out...i really2 hate this situation...i don't want my beloved one suffer...i don't want...even a small suffer...i want them to be happy...enjoy their life...oh god...

my father is sick before...and that period make me like crazy...can't concentrate on anything...but thanks god he is ok now
but mom sick..then i just can't accept this...she is the one that taking care of everyone when they was sick..she took care of my i just think that who want to take care of her when she is sick right want to be there for you...i love you...i don't want to you to be alone...

i will be back home soon as possible...damn i hate this situation..hate this feeling....may my mom will be ok...take care you

Friday, March 19, 2010

pelik la depa ne

slamat pagi dan gu morning,

ada sesetengah org tu utk apa? buat apa tulis blog? sound like they don't like keeping blog..well...tu masalah ko...bnda cmni xle nk dipersoalkan la..coz masing2 punya hal la..lantak la nk buat blog ke..diari ke...buku skrap ke..ko duli ape??...aishh...ter'emo la plak...

kadang2 org ni pelik..xhabis2 pelik...seolah-olah apa yg mereka buat tu smua betul..dan kalau ada org yg buat benda yg xsama or bertentangan dgn mereka dianggap salah...xpaham tul la...lantak la org lain nk buat apa pon..jgn sibuk bleh dak..janji dia xkaco hal ko..and xmenyusahkan org lain..and xlanggar norma masyarakat...contoh mcm...ntah arr sndiri... aku salute arr kt org yg xkisah apa org lain ckp tntang dia..but not for those yg terlalu xkisah smpai dia rasa smua dia buat tu betul..smpai xpeduli apa org kalau kita buat bnda yg betul, means xperlu la kisah apa org lain ckp..coz bnda tu betul...lain plak kesnya dgn org yg konon2 konfiden smpai rasa dia dah betul and xnk kisah apa org ckp..moral of the story..klu org ckp bnda yg xbaik pasal kita tu...renung2 la dulu betul ke 'aku ni menyusahkan org sekeliling ke, aku ni buat bnda xbaik ke.....' then kalau ya, improve la diri sndiri...kalau tidak..truskan ja hidup dgn aman dan bahagia (at here baru bleh guna quote--usah peduli apa yg org ckp) coz kita tau apa yg kita buat tu betul....

tu je la bnda yg nk merepek pg ne...tekanan tul my kunci bilik ntah ke mana ntah..terpaksa memanjat tingkap mcm tarzan plak nk masuk bilik...:P..whatever...

Monday, February 8, 2010

--quite long i leave my blog with no input...coz too many thing to be settle..lot of school work...tonne of problem to be think...and now everything seems smoothly flow...hope everything ok...^_^

i noticed dat so long i haven't feel happy..i mean the real happiness...the true, the natural mostly it's fake...and yesterday i feel it..after i have finish one of the big school task for dis semester..and it's the biggest in the whole study's give me much release...mind and soul..^_^'s still a lot of task to be done...but i'm so glad that there are no much stress, tension in that..not much matter...thanks God..

here a story to share...about my friend..she's suffering for a kind of disease...sort of neorology thing..and undergo an operation on 8's yesterday..hope she's ok....
as my friends and i visit her at ward for 1st time..she seems weak..cannot move much..slow motion and hardly trying to talk...2nd day she seem ok..much better..and latest we visit her, a day before the operation...she can sit by her own..can eat and talk quite like normal..and we have told by her aunt dat she's get better bcos of our support to her..kinda FRIENDSHIP ENERGY dat we give her..make her bcome strong...stop being sad..stop's a miracle..from friendship..i guess..^_^

well then.. i have work to do...i have test tomorrow..just stopping by for awhile after lunch...ok then..snother story in da next post...c ya..:)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

love U

1.50am -----14th January 2010

~~Back again~~

at this point, i feel a lot of trouble ..much more...humans are unpredict nowadays...sometime people act like they don't have logical mind to think...doing thing like don't care about others life..although they realize dat their action will give much negative change on others life.
human act weird---as seen in da news everyday..kinda murdering, cheating etc was very common..and much more weird as people around us---people we use to be with--doing shit..

i don't know they doing dis for what reason---but still--could you plz think about others~~moreover--it's change everything on others life--their hope, their ambition, their feeling, their love, their dream....everything--->>>for sure they are very very sick of it...

and from what was happen, i think i have to sacrifice something--my dream--my plan after study---have to be change...i have to help them...they must need me...

---> everyone have different life--and life shouldn't be compare as everyone through different things in life--some must be success---their life don't have much suffer..not much tragedy..not much weird..and they are free to plan and focus on their own life. On the other hand, some have to sacrifice--sacrifice their dream...benefits of their own give others life---the one that need better life...responsibility is on me..i have to help them achieve their dream...mine is not important--as long as i can make u be a better human--try to make u not much suffer dis lost---don't think about human dat never think about u---be strong and i will walk with u through everything---i'm always here---LOVE U ALL SO MUCH---