wahh..teramatlah lama tidak update blog ini..huhu..xde masa sgt nk mengarang ne...
skang..jam 8.59malam..huhu..baru lepas mkm mee ruski ngan roti bakar buatan sendiri dan juga air kotak vico. emm..cmne je la makan mlm..xde nasi mcm kat umah..huhu...
teringin jgk nk masak..tp masa bila la nk p beli brg2 masak ne..pegi pagi balik petang..balik2 mkn je la apa yg ada..huhu..klu ada geng boleh gak nk masak2 setakat yg mampu..tp ni sorang2..xbest lak masak..huhu..apa2 pun skang da kenyang...tp rindu mau mkn nasi di rumah..huaaa
working life? emmm...ntah ler...xtau nk ckp pe..malas nk taip sebenarnya..pnjg sgt crita mrita dia..apa2 pun..skang saya perlu bertahan..bertahan..huhu..tp parah gak keadaan saya kat sini..serba salah...
i'm alwez stuck between the situation. between person.. person i love...want me to be like they want..like they think the best for me..but never know what i want..i guess..
they just want me to go by flow...go for ordinary life..which i was not..
i don't know how far i'm right..but i just think that i need to fulfill what i want in dis life...no matter how small it is in others mind..but it is big for me..people will never know everything about me...never know what i actually want..and never know what will make me happy...
now i consider myself as 'not happy'..well happy is actually a word dat can be describe by ur own way..it is subjective... my situation right now..is like..totally afraid, unhappy, uncomfortable, boring, lonely, no mission,.....etc.. i hope for change..and i'm still waiting right here...right now..
.........woooo...........i need to stope typing....coz if i continue typing..i may cause some madness to the reader..hehe..bye now...until i have something to share...:)